
The New South Wales Bowling Greenkeepers’ Association (NSWBGA) is the primary industry association for bowling greenkeepers in NSW.

Established in the 1960s, the Association has a proud history of providing education, networking, technical advice and friendship amongst the bowling greenkeeping community in NSW and also with fellow greenkeepers throughout Australia.

The Association is a Not for Profit, membership based organisation with more than 120 financial members and a community of 400 greenkeepers, from experienced professionals, to apprentices and of course, retired greenies.  All activities and events are held to benefit the members.


The NSWBGA is governed by a Committee which meets regularly each year and is nominated at the Annual General Meeting.

Each year, the NSWBGA hosts a range of events for its members.  Key dates on the calendar include the Greenkeepers Championship Week, the NSWBGA Conference, Greenkeeper of the Year Award, the Bowls NSW Legends Vs Greenkeepers Bowls match, as well as a range of social gatherings.

Every four years, the NSWBGA participates in the Australian Bowling Greenkeepers Federation, a week-long program of bowls, education and networking with fellow greenkeepers from Victoria, South Australia and Queensland.

“The Bowling Greenkeeper” is the quarterly journal produced by the NSWBGA, and a great way to catch up on events, industry news and legislation, news from regional associations, member profiles and reports from sales representatives.

The Association is supported by a range of industry partners and we thank them for their ongoing support and contribution.

We always encourage new members so please complete our Membership Form or contact us for more information and to support your industry and your Association.

2024 Gold Sponsors

2024 Silver Sponsors

Australian Turf Machinery

Australian Turf Machinery

Matthew Keough Hydroject

2024 Bronze Sponsors