Dave Perez
Cabarita Beach Bowling Club
Dave described it as “a dream come true”.
To be recognised by his peers for his years of toil and knowing what he has done in his work life is appreciated and recognised.
A little history on Dave; he began his career as an apprentice at Brooms Head Bowling Club in 1979. He took over as Head Greenkeeper in 1983, a position he held for 5 years. He then moved to Hervey Bay Bowls Club for 2 years followed by Weipa Bowls Club for 2½ years.
In 1992, Dave moved on to Thuringowa Bowls Club in Far North Queensland. He held the Head Greenkeeper’s position there for 11 years. While there he acted as a sales rep for a greenkeeping supply company on his day off.
Feeling the urge to move again, Dave found his way back to Brisbane at Windsor Bowls Club. He had a brief stay there before taking on the Head Greenkeeper’s job at Ocean Shores Country Club.
Finally, Dave found himself as the Head Greenkeeper at Cabarita Beach Sports in 2006. After 32 years in the game Dave has definitely tested out some clubs across a wide area.
Dave has always maintained his Tiff dwarf greens in a first class condition and is a very worthwhile winner of the 2011 NSWBGA Greenkeeper of the Year.