Brent Norman – Cabra-Vale Diggers
This year Brent Norman claimed the coveted title of Living Turf Greenkeeper of the Year for 2016. Brent was presented with his award by Mike Darlington from Living Turf at the annual Legends Day in July.
Brent, or Tiger, as many of us know him, started his apprenticeship in 1996 at Cabramatta Bowling Club under John Cearns. In 1999 he moved into the role of assistant greenkeeper, a position he held until 2004. In 2004 Brent moved down the road a bit to take the Head greenkeepers role at Cabra-Vale Diggers.
During the 12 years that Brent has been at Cabra- Vale Diggers he has hosted many big events, pennant finals, playoffs, state games and the Peter Mobbs’ Shied in 2013.
Brent takes great pride in the appearance of Cabra- Vale Diggers, the surfaces on the greens he produces are first class year after year, his surrounds and gardens are always spotless.
Brent has successfully re-grassed both of his greens across to tif-dwarf over the years and his greens at Cabra-Vale Diggers are some of the cleanest, tightest and fastest greens around.
Brent has plenty of bowling achievements to his name over the years, but some of his toughest competition has come at the Greenkeepers State Championships Week! He has won the NSWBGA State Pairs on three occasions with Shannon White and also the Australian Federation title.
Brent has recently won the NSW State fours title for a second time, representing St Johns Park with last year’s Greenkeeper of the Year, Adam Troth.
As a testament to Brent, he has been nominated for this award on two previous occasions narrowly missing each time. The continuous high standards that Brent and his team work to is a credit to them all.
Congratulations to all this year’s nominees and Brent on being the 2016 Living Turf Greenkeeper of the Year. Thank you to Living Turf for their ongoing support of this award.