Adam Troth – 2015 Living Turf Greenkeeper of the Year Award

Living Turf

Adam Troth  – Birrong Sports

Adam started his apprenticeship in 1990 at Chester Hill Bowling club under Keith Wilson. After Keith left for Queensland he worked for three more bosses including Keith Martin, Chris Derks for 12-14 Months and Luke Wade for 2½ years.  After Luke left Adam took over, he employed Shaun Thompson as his apprentice and continued maintaining some great greens along the way. In 2010, after 10 years at Chester Hill, the opportunity came up for a change of scenery and a new challenge, he didn’t have to drive much further as it was just down the road at Birrong.

During the 15 years Adam has been at Birrong he has hosted many big events, Pennant finals, playoffs, state games, Peter Mobbs’ Shied and of course a Premier League final.

Adam takes great pride in the appearance of Birrong Sports, the surfaces on the greens he produces are first class year after year, his surrounds and gardens are always spotless. Adam has successfully re-grassed two of his greens across to tif-dwarf over the years and the greens at Birrong are some of the cleanest, tightest and fastest greens around.

Adam has plenty of bowling achievements to his name over the years, but some of his toughest competition has come at the Greenkeepers State Championships Week! Adam took out the Singles title in 2010, he was runner up in the pairs in 2006 with John Flaherty and went one step better winning the Pairs with Luke Wade in 2013.

Adam joined the Committee of our Association in 2012, he attends all meetings and was a great help this year in organising our conference.
As a testament to Adam, he has been nominated for this award on 3 previous occasions narrowly missing each time. The continuous high standards that Adam, Andrew and Jack maintain is a credit to them all.

Congratulations Adam on being named the 2015 Living Turf Greenkeeper of the Year.